HR strategy for people in the people business

No matter where you are on your journey to the cloud, HRIZONS will create a custom plan to meet your strategic human capital management goals. Start anywhere. Don't wait, start now. Start with HRIZONS for immediate business results.


Simplify the complex with an integrated HCM cloud technology platform.

Core HR

Streamline fundamental HR processes with ease and enable self-service.


Support global talent from recruitment through retirement.


Create, edit and manage job descriptions in the cloud.


Engage top talent with candidate marketing management and onboarding solutions.

Job Descriptions Are Vital to Company Success

In today’s hyper-competitive market, you’re faced with a multitude of threats and pressures, including skills shortages, regulatory compliance, and the challenge of attracting, engaging and retaining the right employees. Human Resources is responsible for building infrastructure and programs to address these challenges, and job descriptions play a vital role.

We’ve developed an innovative cloud HCM job description management software solution designed to address today’s complex HR needs. JDMS®, our Job Descriptions Made Simple solution, brings simplicity and the power of cloud technology to your fingertips. This industry-leading tool helps companies build a job library, integrate job content (competencies, skills, education, certification and physical requirements) within HCM systems, and institute a governance program to ensure it’s always up-to-date.

Time to Centralize & Automate Job Descriptions


Minutes average time to create a job description manually


Jobs we have today that could be gone in the next 10 years as technology changes the workplace


Employed workers seeking or open to a new job


Companies adding to their part-time or contractor workforce

A Job Description Solution Designed with You in Mind

HRIZONS is a SAP Gold Partner that implements SuccessFactors and offers solutions to turn conventional job descriptions into powerful communication tools for organizational transformation. Imagine being able to leverage cloud technology to consolidate, manage and govern job descriptions, with content formatted to fully integrate with HCM technologies like Core HR and Recruiting. You can, as well as, provide a library of job descriptions easily accessible to the recruiters, with job ads ready to go, that not only reduces the time it takes to generate a job ad, but ensures it’s consistent with the organization’s expectations for the job, fully compliant and properly positions what the job expectations and hiring thresholds.