HRZ® EVOLUTION Service Desk for
SAP SuccessFactors Customers

Hours of Operation and Service Level Agreement (SLA)


Customer Support Hours of Operation and Holiday Schedule
Customer contacts authorized to contact HRIZONS Service DeskUp to three (3) named contacts to be listed as System Administrators.  
Customer Service Requests are submitted
via the Customer Portal available on the web
and accessed using an internet browser
Access provided to System Administrators responsible
for submitting and managing service requests.  
Knowledgebase and Training DocumentationIncluded  

Service Request Response Time 

SLA Type Definition Response time within
Hours of  Operation
Response time outside of
Hours of Operation 
High (P2) Impact business critical processes or
more than ten business users 
Same or next business day Same or next  business day 
Medium (P3) All other Service Requests Next business day Within 3  business days 

Engagement Response Time  

Request Type – SLA Type3 Definition Start of Engagement1 
High (P2)  Urgent Request Configuration change or knowledge transfer to address specific issue Within 3 business days 
Medium (P3)  Small Project Service requiring Up to 10 Hours Within 5 business days 
Medium (P3)2  Medium Project Service requiring between 11-50 Hours Within 10 business days 
Medium (P3)2  Large Project Service Requiring more than 50 hours Within 15 business days 

1Start of engagement will be based on the availability of a qualified Consultant. 

2A timeline with critical project milestones will be defined for Medium and Large Projects. 

3SAP Support is required for “bug” fixes and may impact timing and resolution and is outside of HRIZONS’ control.